Home Nature Dolphins, like humans, are divided into right-handed and left-handed people

Dolphins, like humans, are divided into right-handed and left-handed people

by Lindsay Marco


The vast majority of people are right—handed. And we make this choice unconsciously. Which hand we have is the “main one” is more related to how our brain works. But what about the animals? After all, in fact, if we all belong to the class of mammals and the work of many organs is almost the same, then the structure of the brain should be similar. And therefore the general principles of its functioning too. And now we have evidence that even among dolphins there are both left-handed and right-handed people.


Dolphins, like humans, are divided into right-handed and left-handed people. There are also left-handed and right-handed dolphins. Photo.

There are also left-handed and right-handed dolphins

Are there any left-handed dolphins?
You probably have a question: if it is quite easy to identify a lefty among a person, then how to do it with a dolphin? Researchers working with the Dolphin Communication Project spent six years studying the population of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and some others feeding from the ocean floor and under normal conditions, noting which way they tend to turn, and found that the animals like to keep their right eye on food.

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